How to Read and Understand the Bible: Tips for Beginners - Tricia Goyer (2024)

By Tricia Goyer

Once, I sat in a sunlit corner of a quiet café across from a friend who confessed, “I want to read the Bible, but I just don’t understand where to start or what it’s saying.” Do you feel the same? Many feel intimidated when approaching the Bible. If you’ve ever felt this way, you’re not alone. The Bible is a mix of history, poetry, and profound truths, making it sometimes hard for newcomers to understand. Here’s how you can confidently (and clearly!) begin to read and understand the Bible.

How to Read and Understand the Bible: Tips for Beginners - Tricia Goyer (1)

1. Choose the Right Translation

The Bible has been translated into many versions; choosing one that speaks to you is crucial. For beginners, the New International Version (NIV) or New Living Translation (NLT) offers clear, accessible language. If you want a more direct translation from original texts, the English Standard Version (ESV) might be your pick.

2. Start with the Gospels

Begin your reading with the Gospels—Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. These books provide the foundational narrative of Jesus’ life and teachings and are central to understanding the Christian faith.

3. Use a Study Bible

Invest in a study Bible, which includes footnotes, explanations, and historical context that unravel complex passages and point out connections you might miss otherwise. This tool is invaluable for deepening your understanding.

4. Join a Bible Study Group

Learning in the community can enrich your understanding. Bible study groups provide support, answer questions, and offer diverse perspectives that can illuminate Scripture in surprising ways.

5. Incorporate Daily Readings

Make the Bible a part of your daily routine. Reading a few verses daily can build a habit that becomes a significant spiritual discipline.

6. Reflect and Journal

After reading, please take a moment to journal what you’ve learned and how it applies to your life. Writing down your thoughts can clarify what you believe and why it matters.

7. Pray for Insight

Before and after reading, pray for understanding and wisdom. Asking for divine guidance to interpret these sacred texts can lead to profound insights and personal growth.

8. Use Online Resources and Apps

Leverage digital tools and apps like YouVersion or Bible Gateway for on-the-go reading and additional study resources, including devotionals, reading plans, and audio Bibles.

9. Attend Workshops or Seminars

Many churches and religious institutions offer workshops that help beginners navigate the Bible. These can provide foundational skills and knowledge to enhance your reading experience.

10. Apply Bible Teachings to Modern Life

Finally, actively apply the teachings of the Bible to your daily life. Let the Bible guide you in practical ways, whether showing kindness, practicing forgiveness, or making ethical decisions.

Reading the Bible is a journey of exploration and discovery that requires patience and openness. Remember, reading Scripture can offer new insights and deeper understanding, no matter how familiar you are with the texts. As you embark on this path, keep your heart and mind open to God and the lessons and transformations that await!

Want more insight? Join us in reading Job on the Daily Bible podcast! 🎧 LISTEN & 📺 WATCH

Weekly readings for the Daily Bible Podcast with Tricia and Michelle

April 15

1 Samuel 20

1 Samuel 21

Psalms 34

How to Read and Understand the Bible: Tips for Beginners - Tricia Goyer (2)

In today’s podcast, we immersed ourselves in the harrowing yet inspiring chapters of 1 Samuel 20 and 21, alongside Psalm 34. We encountered David, a man marked for death by King Saul, navigating the treacherous waters of royal enmity with the aid of his unwavering friend, Jonathan. The depth of their friendship, exemplified in their heartfelt dialogue and solemn pacts, reminds us of the profound bonds that can form in the face of adversity. David’s poignant inquiry to Jonathan, “What is my crime?” echoes through the ages as a testament to the innocence besieged by unfounded hostility.

Word of the Day:

Trust – A firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.

The Sacred Pact: A Testament to Loyalty

Jonathan’s choice to stand by David, affirming their bond through a solemn vow, serves as a beacon of loyalty and trust against the backdrop of impending danger. Their pact, a daring defiance of royal decrees, highlights the power of friendship and faith over familial and political obligations. This episode not only illustrates the strength derived from human connections but also sets the stage for the divine protection and guidance that David experiences.

Psalm 34: A Melody of Trust in Desperation

As David flees, his reflections in Psalm 34 offer us a window into his soul. Choosing to focus on God’s faithfulness rather than his fears, David’s words, “I prayed to the Lord, and he answered me,” resonate as a powerful declaration of divine reliability. The Psalm transforms personal despair into a universal anthem of hope, underscoring the Lord’s nearness to the brokenhearted and His deliverance of the righteous from affliction.

Prophetic Echoes: The Unbroken Messiah

David’s assurance, “He keeps all his bones; not one of them is broken,” gains profound significance in the light of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. This prophetic vision, fulfilled in the crucifixion narrative, bridges the testament of faith across covenants, emphasizing God’s sovereign plan and the unbreakable promise of redemption.

Personal Takeaway: The Essence of Trust

Reflecting on David and Jonathan’s story, I’m reminded of the transformative power of trust in my own life. During a personal crisis, the realization that Jesus was my beacon of hope, much like David found solace in God’s presence, altered my path forever. Trusting God means embracing the unknown with the certainty that His presence is the ultimate remedy for our trials.

Living Trust: Beyond the Bible

Trust extends beyond biblical narratives into our daily lives, from the simple act of a child’s gleeful anticipation in a game to the profound commitments we make in relationships. The essence of trust is recognizing the reliability of God beyond our own understanding. As we journey through life, embracing trust as David did invites us to experience God’s unwavering support and guidance.

Proverbs 3:5-6 serves as a timeless reminder: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight.”

In exploring the depths of trust through the lens of David, Jonathan, and the Psalms, we find not only historical accounts of faith and friendship but also practical applications for our lives today. Let us walk in their footsteps, trusting in the Lord’s provision and protection, for in Him, we will find everything we need.

The Call to Trust

As we close today’s reflection, let the stories of David and Jonathan, along with the comforting words of Psalm 34, inspire us to cultivate a heart of trust. In the face of life’s trials and uncertainties, may we remember that trust in God is not just a biblical ideal but a lived reality that offers peace, guidance, and unwavering support.

Let’s carry forward the Word of the Day: Trust, allowing it to permeate our thoughts, actions, and relationships. May we, like the heroes of faith before us, find in God our refuge and strength, trusting Him through every storm and season of life.

April 16

1 Samuel 22:1-2
Psalms 57
Psalms 142
1 Chronicles 12:8-18
1 Samuel 22:3-23
Psalms 52
1 Samuel 23:1-12

How to Read and Understand the Bible: Tips for Beginners - Tricia Goyer (3)

Welcome back to the Daily Bible Podcast blog! Today’s readings take us on a captivating journey through the life of David, highlighting themes of betrayal, refuge, and unwavering trust in God’s guidance. Let’s delve into these scriptures and uncover the profound insights they offer.

David’s Journey Through Adversity

Our journey begins with 1 Samuel 22, where we find David, his family, and a band of distressed individuals seeking refuge in the hill country of Ziph. Despite the challenges they face, David’s unwavering trust in God finds expression in Psalms 57 and 142, offering a glimpse into the depths of his heart amidst adversity. As David’s band grows, brave warriors from Gad join their ranks, raising questions of loyalty amidst uncertainty.

Discovering Refuge in God’s Presence: Lessons from the Cave of Adullum

Amidst the turmoil, David finds refuge in God’s unwavering presence, echoing the sentiment of Psalm 142:5 – “You are my place of refuge. You are all I really want in life.” The Cave of Adullum serves as a poignant symbol of refuge amidst despair, reminding us that God alone is our true stronghold in times of trouble.

Navigating Betrayal: Insights from David’s Leadership

Betrayal casts its shadow over David’s journey, mirroring the complexities of human relationships and the frailty of trust. Yet, amidst betrayal’s sting, David’s trust in God remains steadfast, serving as a beacon of hope amidst the gathering storm. From Jonathan’s perceived betrayal to Saul’s relentless pursuit, David’s unwavering faith in God’s guidance shines through.

Drawing Parallel: Betrayal in History and Scripture

The echoes of betrayal resonate beyond David’s story, finding parallels in historical events like the Spanish Civil War. Just as leaders misuse their power for treacherous ends, we see Saul’s ruthless pursuit of David and the tragic consequences of betrayal. These reflections urge us to ponder the consequences of power wielded unjustly and the enduring need for righteous leadership.

Personal Takeaway: Trusting God Amidst Adversity

In the face of betrayal and adversity, our ultimate refuge lies in God’s unwavering presence and faithfulness. Like David, we’re called to lean on God’s strength and seek His guidance in every circ*mstance. Let’s emulate David’s unwavering trust in God and commit to praying for our leaders, recognizing the profound impact of power wielded justly or unjustly.

Reflections on Betrayal: A Call to Prayer

As we reflect on the challenges faced by David and the consequences of betrayal, let’s commit to praying for our leaders and seeking God’s guidance in navigating life’s complexities. Betrayal may cut like a knife, but God’s love remains our eternal refuge.

Join us tomorrow for another enriching journey through scripture on the Daily Bible Podcast. Until then, may we find solace in God’s unwavering love and trust in His guidance amidst life’s storms.

Word of the Day: Betrayal:

The Act of Exposing or Delivering Someone to an Enemy Through Treachery or Disloyalty

Personal Reflection: Cultivating Trust in God Amidst Adversity

As we journey through the pages of scripture, may we find refuge in God’s unwavering presence and discover timeless truths that illuminate our path. Let’s continue to delve deeper into the riches of God’s word and cultivate a deeper intimacy with the Almighty. Subscribe to The Daily Bible Podcast for more!

April 17

1 Samuel 23:13-29
Psalms 54
1 Samuel 24
1 Samuel 25

How to Read and Understand the Bible: Tips for Beginners - Tricia Goyer (4)

Welcome back to another captivating journey through the Bible with the Daily Bible Podcast! Today’s readings take us deep into the life of David, where we encounter themes of betrayal, refuge, and the wisdom that comes from seeking God’s guidance.

A Day of Pressing Into God

As we dive into 1 Samuel 23:13-29, Psalms 54, 1 Samuel 24, and 1 Samuel 25, we find ourselves amidst the complexities of David’s life. Today’s readings remind us of God’s presence and His ability to use even the most challenging passages to deepen our knowledge of Him.

David’s Escape and Jonathan’s Reassurance

David’s journey continues as he flees from Saul’s relentless pursuit. Amidst the danger, Jonathan finds David, offering reassurance and renewing their pact before the Lord. Despite the betrayal of the men of Ziph, God’s protection guides David to safety, establishing the “Rock of Escape.”

A Gentle Act of Mercy: David Spares Saul

In a dramatic encounter, David finds himself in the same cave as Saul. Despite having the opportunity to take Saul’s life, David’s conscience restrains him. Instead, he demonstrates mercy and humility, sparing Saul’s life and acknowledging him as the Lord’s anointed.

Wisdom in Adversity: Abigail’s Intercession

The narrative unfolds further as David encounters Abigail, a woman of beauty and wisdom. Abigail’s intervention prevents bloodshed and showcases the importance of standing up for what is right, even in the face of adversity. David recognizes her wisdom and spares Nabal’s household.

Personal Takeaway: The Power of Friendship and God’s Wisdom

Reflecting on David’s friendships and encounters, I am struck by the depth of his bond with Jonathan and the wisdom displayed by Abigail. Just as David found solace in friendship and sought God’s wisdom, may we too lean on our relationships and seek divine guidance in navigating life’s challenges.

Word of the Day: Escape

An act of breaking free from confinement or control.

Application #1: Finding Refuge and Wisdom in God

In times of trouble, we can find refuge and wisdom in God’s unwavering presence. Like David, let’s trust in God’s protection and seek His guidance. Just as David spared Saul and Abigail intervened wisely, may we act with wisdom and compassion in our own lives.

Application #2: The Ultimate Escape Through Christ

As we journey through Scripture, we encounter stories of escape and rescue. From David’s flight from Saul to Abigail’s intercession, God provides a way out in times of trouble. Ultimately, our ultimate escape lies in Jesus Christ, who offers salvation and eternal life to all who believe.

Today’s readings remind us of the power of friendship, the importance of seeking wisdom, and the ultimate escape found in Christ. Join us as we continue to explore the depths of God’s Word on the Daily Bible Podcast. Subscribe now and embark on a journey of discovery and faith!

April 18

1 Samuel 26, 27:1-12, 28, 29

1 Chronicles 12:19

Psalm 56

How to Read and Understand the Bible: Tips for Beginners - Tricia Goyer (5)

Today’s journey through the Bible, as featured on the Daily Bible Podcast, offers a captivating exploration of 1 Samuel and Psalms, delving into themes of betrayal, refuge, and unwavering perseverance in the face of adversity.

Betrayal and Forgiveness: David Spares Saul Again

In 1 Samuel 26, we witness a poignant repetition of events as David spares Saul’s life once more. Despite Saul’s relentless pursuit, David shows mercy and confronts Saul about his actions. The encounter ends with Saul blessing David, showcasing the power of forgiveness even in the face of betrayal.

Seeking Refuge: David’s Sojourn in Philistine Territory

Chapter 27 reveals David’s decision to seek refuge in Philistine territory, a move born out of fear for his life. Settling in Ziklag, David becomes a servant of Achish, the Philistine king, highlighting the complexities of survival amidst danger.

Desperation and Divine Guidance: Saul’s Encounter with a Medium

In a dramatic turn of events in 1 Samuel 28, Saul, desperate for guidance before battle, seeks the aid of a medium to summon the spirit of the deceased prophet Samuel. This chapter serves as a reminder of the consequences of desperation and the importance of seeking divine guidance rather than resorting to forbidden practices.

Perseverance Amidst Uncertainty: David’s Journey Continues

Throughout these chapters, we witness David’s perseverance amidst uncertainty and danger. Despite the challenges he faces, David turns to God in prayer and trust, exemplifying unwavering faith even in the darkest moments.

Psalm 56: A Cry of Trust and Praise

Psalm 56 beautifully expresses David’s trust in God amidst adversity. In his plea for mercy and protection, David acknowledges his fear and vulnerability but also declares his unwavering trust in God’s promises and ability to deliver him.

Word of the Day: Perseverance

Today’s word of the day is “perseverance,” referring to the ability to persist in the face of adversity or difficulty. David’s story exemplifies the power of perseverance rooted in faith and trust in God’s unwavering presence.

Personal Takeaway: Trusting in God’s Perseverance

As we reflect on David’s journey, we’re reminded of the importance of trusting in God’s perseverance. Despite moments of exhaustion and discouragement, God remains steadfast in His rescue and guidance. Just as He sustained David, He continues to uphold and strengthen His people today.

Application #1: Finding Strength in Perseverance

In these chapters, David perseveres through trials and challenges, relying on his trust and faith in God to sustain him. Trust and faith are essential to perseverance, enabling us to overcome any obstacle with God’s promises as our anchor.

Application #2: The Perseverance of God

As we witness David’s perseverance, we also see the perseverance of God at work. God’s plan to rescue His people remains steadfast, offering hope and strength in times of uncertainty. Let us trust in God’s unwavering perseverance and find solace in His enduring love and guidance.

Join us on the Daily Bible Podcast as we continue to explore the depths of Scripture and uncover timeless truths that inspire faith and perseverance. Subscribe now and embark on a transformative journey of discovery and spiritual growth!

April 19

1 Samuel 30-31

1 Chronicles 9:40-44, 10, 12:20-22

2 Samuel 1, 4:4

How to Read and Understand the Bible: Tips for Beginners - Tricia Goyer (6)

Today’s journey through the Bible delves into the heart-wrenching tales of betrayal, mourning, and unwavering perseverance. Join us as we uncover the profound truths hidden within the scriptures featured on the Daily Bible Podcast!

David’s Trials and Triumphs: A Tale of Betrayal and Redemption

In 1 Samuel 30-31, we witness David’s resilience amidst adversity as he faces betrayal from his own men and the devastating loss of his mentor, King Saul, and dear friend, Jonathan. Despite the overwhelming grief and danger, David finds strength in God and emerges victorious, demonstrating the power of forgiveness and unwavering faith.

Word of the Day: Mourn

Today’s word of the day is “mourn,” reminding us of the importance of acknowledging and processing our grief. Through David’s lamentation and mourning for Saul and Jonathan, we’re reminded of the healing power found in communal grieving and the promise of God’s comfort in our darkest moments.

Personal Takeaway: Finding Hope in Mourning

As we reflect on David’s journey of mourning and perseverance, let us find solace in the promise of God’s eternal comfort. Just as David found strength in God amidst his sorrow, may we too trust in His unwavering presence to heal our brokenness and turn our mourning into joy.

Application #1: Embracing the Process of Mourning

In times of loss, it’s essential to give ourselves permission to mourn and seek support from our community. Through shared lamentation, we can find healing and restoration as we journey through the grieving process together.

Application #2: Hope Beyond the Tears

Amidst our earthly sorrows, let us hold fast to the promise of God’s ultimate redemption and restoration. As we await the day when He will wipe away every tear, may we find comfort in His eternal love and the hope of a future free from pain and suffering.

Join us on the Daily Bible Podcast as we continue to explore the depths of Scripture and uncover timeless truths that inspire faith, perseverance, and hope. Subscribe now and embark on a transformative journey of spiritual growth and discovery!

April 20

2 Samuel 2, 3:1-5, 23:8-39

1 Chronicles 11:10-47

How to Read and Understand the Bible: Tips for Beginners - Tricia Goyer (7)

Today’s passage marks a turning point in David’s saga, as shadows of uncertainty give way to the dawning of a new era. Join us on the Daily Bible Podcast as we embark on an enthralling exploration of 2 Samuel and 1 Chronicles, unveiling the captivating narrative of David’s ascension to kingship.

The Anointing of David: A Divine Directive

In 2 Samuel 2 and 3, we witness the divine guidance bestowed upon David as he seeks God’s counsel on where to settle. God’s directive leads David to Hebron, where he is anointed king over Judah, marking the beginning of his reign. Yet, amidst the jubilation, tensions simmer as Saul’s commander, Abner, proclaims Saul’s son Ish-bo-sheth as king over the other tribes.

The Clash of Titans: Joab vs. Abner

The stage is set for conflict as Joab, David’s trusted general, clashes with Abner, the mastermind behind Ish-bo-sheth’s rule. What ensues is a series of skirmishes and battles, with David’s forces emerging victorious. Through these trials, David’s strength and resolve shine brightly, illuminating the path to his rightful kingship.

David’s Mighty Men: An Epic Brotherhood

Delve into the awe-inspiring tales of David’s mighty men in 2 Samuel 23 and 1 Chronicles 11. From Jashobean’s incredible feat of slaying 800 enemy warriors to Benaiah’s daring encounter with a lion, these valiant warriors epitomize loyalty, courage, and unwavering devotion to their leader.

Word of the Day: Brotherhood

Today’s word, “brotherhood,” encapsulates the bond of unity and camaraderie shared among David and his mighty men. Witness the power of brotherhood as these warriors rally around David, displaying unmatched valor and dedication in the face of adversity.

Personal Takeaway: Strength in Unity

Reflecting on David’s journey, we are reminded of the profound strength found in unity and brotherhood. Just as David’s mighty men stood by him through trials and triumphs, may we cultivate deep bonds of fellowship and support within our own communities.

Applications: Embodying David’s Legacy

In our lives, let us strive to embody the spirit of David’s mighty men, standing steadfast in faith and loyalty to our leaders and to each other. As we navigate challenges, may we draw inspiration from David’s unwavering courage and compassion, forging bonds of brotherhood that withstand the test of time.

Join us on the Daily Bible Podcast as we continue to uncover the timeless truths and inspiring tales woven within the fabric of Scripture. Subscribe now and embark on a transformative journey of spiritual growth and discovery!

April 21

2 Samuel 3:6-39

2 Samuel 4

How to Read and Understand the Bible: Tips for Beginners - Tricia Goyer (8)

Buckle up for a rollercoaster ride through intrigue and treachery in today’s reading! We witness the power play between David and Ish-bosheth, Saul’s son, as they vie for control. Abner, Ish-bosheth’s commander, switches allegiance to David, setting off a chain of events that culminate in betrayal and murder.

The Rise and Fall of Abner:

Abner’s decision to support David triggers suspicion and violence. Joab, David’s commander, avenges his brother’s death by slaying Abner. David disavows any involvement but mourns Abner’s passing, earning respect and loyalty from Abner’s followers.

The Demise of Ish-bosheth:

Ish-bosheth meets a gruesome end at the hands of his own guards, who seek to curry favor with David. Instead, David condemns their treachery, emphasizing justice over personal gain.

Deeper Insights into David’s Character:

David’s response to Abner’s death showcases his complexity—loyal to Saul’s house yet driven by a commitment to justice. His mourning for Abner and rejection of the guards’ overtures reveal a leader guided by principle rather than expediency.

Word of the Day: Rivals

Today’s word, “rivals,” underscores the themes of competition and ambition that drive the narrative. The clash between David and Ish-bosheth serves as a cautionary tale about the perils of rivalry and the pursuit of power.

Personal Takeaway:

Reflecting on David’s actions, we’re reminded of the dangers of rivalry and the importance of maintaining integrity in the face of temptation. David’s unwavering commitment to justice and righteousness serves as a model for navigating conflicts with grace and integrity.


  • Overcoming Rivalry

David’s response to his adversaries challenges us to confront rivalry with humility and grace. Let us emulate David’s example by prioritizing righteousness over personal ambition.

  • Aligning with God’s Will

In a world rife with competition, let us seek alignment with God’s will rather than pursuing selfish ambitions. By surrendering our desires to God, we can find fulfillment and purpose beyond the fleeting allure of rivalry.

In conclusion, today’s reading offers valuable insights into the dynamics of power, loyalty, and integrity. Join us on the Daily Bible Podcast as we delve deeper into the timeless truths of Scripture, guiding us on a journey of spiritual growth and discovery. Subscribe now and embark on a transformative adventure!

How to Read and Understand the Bible: Tips for Beginners - Tricia Goyer (2024)


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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

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Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.